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Jordan was a graduate student in engineering at Oregon State University whose life was changed by a StoveTeam volunteer trip.

During my graduate degree in engineering I was able to work with StoveTeam both at a local facility in the US, and on an international trip to Guatemala. In Guatemala we worked with local business owners to help build cookstoves, gather research about their customers, and deliver instrumented cookstoves to better understand people’s cooking habits. I had worked in developing countries before, but StoveTeam was a different experience because it’s structure empowers local business owners to help them see change in their communities.

Because of my involvement with StoveTeam I changed directions on my graduate program to incorporate more work on sustainability in energy systems and renewable energy. Energy poverty is something I am very passionate about and StoveTeam international helped me to better understand ways I could get involved through volunteering and my career.

Jordan is currently working on his postdoc at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory with an emphasis on grid integration for variable renewable resources.

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