StoveTeam’s Interactive Video Presentation for Rotary clubs

StoveTeam International is a nonprofit organization started by Rotarian Nancy Hughes. We are working in Latin America to save families from the dangers of open-fire cooking. The cookstoves we provide not only help families avoid respiratory illnesses, which account for 4 million deaths every year, but they also provide local employment and prevent CO2 emissions! Our innovative approach has won StoveTeam numerous awards, and resulted in the donation of over 79,000 cookstoves to date. But around the world, we are still nowhere close to addressing this issue on the scale it deserves.

To raise awareness for this devastating issue, we developed an engaging and informative interactive pre-recorded video presentation, specifically for Rotary clubs. The video follows the same format as a standard Rotary program, including a Q&A session at the end, while allowing us to show your club the issue of open-fire cooking firsthand and give an inside look at our programs. We have received an incredible response from Rotary clubs so far!

How to use it

To show the video during your meeting, just share your screen and click on the video link below. Please note that StoveTeam’s staff will not be able to attend the meeting, but we will be there in spirit via the interactive video! We have a small staff of only three directors, and we are dedicated to remaining focused on our programs.

  • The video includes a 23 minute presentation, plus a Q&A session at the end where the meeting host can click on questions to display an answer video.

  • Important: Let us know the date you plan to show the video so we can make sure it will be active!

  • Click here for a shortened 10-minute version!

After the video: Explore next steps

StoveTeam’s work is made possible the volunteers and donors who provide our cookstoves for families in need!

Promotional materials

Presentation title

400 cigarettes per hour: The killer you probably don’t know exists

StoveTeam International

StoveTeam is a nonprofit organization started by a Rotarian in Eugene, Oregon that facilitates the placement of safe, affordable, fuel-efficient cookstoves in collaboration with local communities to support families and protect the environment. StoveTeam's innovative model for assisting entrepreneurs in Latin America has won numerous awards for creating local employment while improving health and reducing air pollution. To date, local projects started by StoveTeam in Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Honduras and Mexico have produced more than 78,000 stoves, improving the lives of more than half a million people and preventing nearly one million tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere.

About the presenter

Forest Resener is a musician, environmentalist, and wilderness enthusiast. As the Communications and Operations Director for StoveTeam International, Forest is excited to raise awareness for the issue of open-fire cooking, while continuing to create innovative solutions that maximize the efficiency, reach, and scalability of StoveTeam’s programs.

See what clubs are saying…

All testimonials are provided with full consent of those quoted.

I was electrified by what the stoveteam are doing. I can promise you that the video will be showed at our club meeting very soon, and then we have to see what we can do from there. I would like to see many Rotary clubs in Europe joining an effort to do for Africa what you in the US are doing for Latin America.
— Agne Sandberg, Rotary of Danderyd, Uppland, Sweden
Your video was VERY well received. It was the second time I had viewed it and it still impacted me (and my partner who watched it with me). The Club had many comments to make but the overriding feeling was that this project had so many aspects. In addition to basic health and safety there were many environmental issues highlighted in the video - and our members really saw that.
— Chris Cook, Rotary of Cleethorpes, Humberside, Lincolnshire, England
Our branch was impressed with what you are doing within the first few minutes! They have asked that I put together some dot points on what would be required of us.
— Julie Speight, Rotary of Huon Valley, Tasmania, Australia
The presentation went very smoothly and was well-received by our Club. The interactive video is a great concept and worked quite well.
— Brian South, Rotary of Moraga, California, USA
Our club was so moved by the presentation we had it on our agenda for our monthly board meeting to discuss. I am pleased to let you know our club has decided to donate 4 stoves. It will be wonderful to share with the club what families will receive the stoves. I do a quarterly newsletter, I’m hoping to use that information and pictures in our 2nd quarter one. Hopefully that will bring more attention to the great things Stove Team International is doing! Thank again for such a great presentation.
— Ardel Cheffer, Rotary of Casselberry, Florida, USA
We showed your video at our club meeting last night and the members were very impressed. The discussion afterwards was wide ranging and we resolved to carry out some research to see if the need exists in our backyard. The newer club members were interested to see how Rotary works in your part of the world. Our International projects are in the Pacific Islands mainly so we will look at that area. Thank you again for sharing with us the excellent work you are doing.
— Andrew Jones, Rotary of Belmont, Victoria, Canada
We made this project the subject of our guest speaker at our last Thursday Rotary weekly meeting and the reception was most enthusiastically received. I have been charged with exploring how our club can become involved in this project as we are aware of the need for such a stove in many nearby countries.
— Tyrrell McGeever, Rotary of Dromana, Victoria, Canada
What a great program! Aside from the appalling story movingly and effectively being told, it was visually incredibly well done and really communicated the message. Whoever is responsible for the production work is obviously a pro and kudos them. Thank you for taking the time to make the presentation to our little group. I’m going to try to introduce the possibility of supporting the StoveTeam in our next budget cycle.
— Tom Jacobs, Rotary of Santa Barbara North, California, USA
The video presentation was well received and promoted a lot of discussion. What we gleaned was that whilst the brilliant efforts of StoveTeam International addressed the majority of Rotary’s 7 areas of focus, the primary aim was to save lives and we were all impressed that, what looks like a relatively simple solution is achieving so much. More strength to you all. Our club bulletin, which covered the meeting and your video, is shared with other clubs in our area so they will pick up the news as well. I wish you every success in getting those 5,000 stoves out there.
— Ben Systermans, Rotary of Kardinia, Victoria, Canada
The presentation went great. What a neat way to get your message out! We are discussing adding your cause to our list of fundraising goals.
— Suzanne Drumm, Rotary of Tully, New York, USA
The presentation went well and was really well received. I appreciate this additional info, we had a number of inquiries around how our club members can get further involved, and so I’ll share this follow up broadly with our 98 members. I’ll also be happy to share this info with a broader distribution that includes other nearby clubs. Thanks again for your interest in presenting to our club,
— Steve Maley, Rotary of Longwood (PA), Pennsylvania, USA
Amazing work being done. THANK you for the good work you are doing.
— Irene Parker, Rotary Club of Cronulla, New South Wales, Australia
The video worked well this AM. And the Q&A was a nice personalized touch. Thanks for making the video available to Stockton Sunrise Rotary. Our members learned a lot about the issue of open fires in homes.
— Pat Catania, Rotary of Stockton Sunrise, California, USA
It went very well and most of the FAQs were used. I moderated it all easily. I’ll use this info to post on our club web site, social media, and in the weekly newsletter to the membership.
— Scott Baker, Rotary of Sylvania, Georgia, USA
On behalf of the Southampton Rotary Club in Ontario Canada, we would like to thank you for the introduction to your amazing international project. In our Program Committee, we discussed how this would be a beneficial charity that we could look to support, and would be further investigated by our International Services Committee.
— Mary Halbert, Rotary of Southampton, Ontario, Canada
The video was very informative. I think our club enjoyed watching it. We didn’t realize there was such a need for safe cookstoves. Thank you for sharing.
— Laila McCalister, Rotary of Rusk, Texas, USA
We really enjoyed the presentation. I plan to send the original email plus the links you’ve included in this email to our club members so they can learn more about what you are doing! So inspiring! PS: Our local paper did an article on the presentation as well so we hopefully enlightened others in the community! You might find the article if you google the Lewistown Sentinel. Best of luck with your program and we will keep this project in mind for possible future support.
— Susan Parzanese, Rotary of Lewistown, Pennsylvania, USA
The video definitely made an impact on our Club. I have already received one request for the link to share it with others who may still have grant funding left. We have four other Clubs in Springfield. I believe our Club president is going to share it at the next President’s meeting. Thank you so much for reaching out, we truly had no idea of this significant issue!
— Stacy Fehring, Rotary of Springfield, Illinois, USA
We really enjoyed the presentation this morning and the feedback was great.
— Jared Mongold, Rotary of Rockledge, Florida, USA
Thanks again for sharing the information on this very worthy project.
— Meghan Reed, Rotary of Emmaus, Pennsylvania, USA
Your presentation indeed went down very well with the Club. In fact it was quite an eye opener that in the 21st century millions of people are still cooking meals by using these outdated stoves. Wishing you all success.
— Bryan Preston, Rotary - Windsor & Eton, Berkshire, England
We showed your virtual presentation at our weekly Rotary Zoom meeting, and it was very well received. Our International Committee have discussed the project at a recent meeting. Thank you so much for bringing this matter to our attention, and we are delighted that you’ve found such a simple and effective cure for the problem. We were amazed at the scale of the problem, and you should be congratulated for the work you have begun.
— David Footitt, Rotary of Dunstable, Bedfordshire, England
I looked around the room throughout and the members were quite engaged. I sent the presentation out to all of our members. You told a good story and educated our club members.
— Joshua Aikens, Rotary of Boardman, Ohio, USA
The presentation went very well and members were impressed by your work. I’ve put a video of the session on our YouTube channel and recommended it to members that didn’t attend. At the end of the presentation I suggested we could make a small donation to your organisation from our speaker’s expenses account. Much to my delight, I was told this wasn’t acceptable so took it to Council who doubled our basic speaker fee as a donation.
— Ken Rock, Rotary of Nailsea and Backwell, Somerset, England
We played your video at our meeting this morning. It’s an amazing story and everyone was very impressed. Thank you very much for reaching out to us. We may be interested in getting more involved with your organization.
— Jay Barber, Rotary of Rio Rico, Arizona, USA
This was outstanding. I will definitely share on our Facebook page and newsletter.
— Mark Goesel, Rotary of Chicago Heights - Park Forest, Illinois, USA
It went well! Thanks so much! We will definitely share the video!
— Cheryl Brunsmann, Rotary of Belle Clair, Illinois, USA
It’s a great presentation, and an incredible program. Thanks for all you do!
— Julia Simpson, Rotary of Winder, Georgia, USA
The StoveTeam presentation yesterday was very well-received and I am grateful. Whether or not our Club, as an entity or as individuals, will get involved in your efforts is up to our Board of Directors. You and your colleagues are doing great work.
— Brian Reynolds, Rotary of San Luis Obispo, California, USA
Thank you for this presentation. I for one did not know it was such a global issue. Some club members were aware of the issue and I will bring up further support at out next club board meeting. I signed up for email updates and wish you the best of luck in your endeavors.
— Angela Oakes, Rotary of Lake Wales Breakfast, Florida, USA
Thank you so much for supplying the interactive video presentation from StoveTeam. Our members really enjoyed viewing it today and the questions/answers at the end were very helpful. We at Crestwood – Sunset Hills (St. Louis, Missouri) Rotary Club appreciate all that you do! And from a personal level, while I have not been able to go on the trips to Guatemala, I found your video presentation to be very moving. It humbles me to be involved in Rotary and what we do and stand for.
— Randy Martin, Rotary of Crestwood-Sunset Hills, Missouri, USA
Great presentation with excellent production work as well. What a fantastic project!
— Douglas McKenzie, Rotary of Winnipeg-Charleswood, Manitoba, Canada
Our Club really enjoyed watching the video about StoveTeam International. I believe we learned a lot and are considering what kind of support we’d like to provide when we can.
— Carolann Morykwas, Rotary of Detroit A.M., Michigan, USA
My club and I really learned a lot from your video - especially about how lucky and privileged we are to live here in the US and how totally ignorant we were about these issues. I have forwarded the link to your video to everyone in the club, along with the email you sent me with links to other information sources about StoveTeam. I’ll also see about posting this on Clubrunner for everyone in our district. We will talk to some of the other clubs and see if we can get together to send you some donations. Thank you again for reaching out to me. I wish you great success with your very ambitious and very important mission.
— Judy Grande, Rotary of Littleton, Massachusetts, USA
The club really enjoyed the video, it was very informative. Thanks for sharing!
— Chris , Rotary of Elberton, Georgia, USA
Everything went great. Very nice presentation. I will forward to our entire membership.
— Glen Bootay, Rotary of Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, USA
The program went very well as I notice people tend to leave during a Zoom video and/or speaker-that did not happen today.
— Peter Mickolay, Rotary of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA
We presented your video at our meeting last week and it was very well received. Our fundraising activities are going to start again and we should have money to contribute to charities by the Fall. We will add StoveTeam to our list of projects to consider.
— Steve Purucker, Rotary of Apex Sunrise, North Carolina, USA
The presentation went well and was very well received. I’ll pass this information along to our club president.
— Andrew Gaidus, Rotary of Bishop Sunrise, California, USA
The video was most interesting and informative. I will pass your message on to our Club President. Congratulations on the life-saving work you are doing!
— Valerie Murphy, Rotary of Dearborn, Michigan, USA
The presentation was excellent and our Club was definitely interested in the work you’re doing.
— Jennifer Walker, Rotary of Northville, Michigan, USA
The presentation was very cogent and effective. This is a very worthwhile project with multiple world benefits. I am recommending your presentation to other presidents.
— James MacSween, Rotary of Sylvan Lake, Alberta, Canada
It went very well and many wanted more information. I will share this information. I think you will see some action from out club and district very soon.
— Peter Sprague, Rotary of Yuba City, California, USA
We enjoyed the video and did pass it along to the members that were not able to attend the meeting. I’ll pass your info to some other Rotary Clubs.
— Bob Huttemeyer, Rotary of Port Jefferson, New York, USA
Nice presentation. Very informative. Thank you.
— Edward McCutchan, Rotary of Healdsburg Sunrise, California, USA
We used the presentation at last Tuesday’s Meeting. I think it was well received by the group. We were able to get through all the questions in the presentation which all together was pretty good timing for the meeting. I think our members liked it and there was some discussion afterwards saying that.
— Peter Kavenagh, Rotary of Bayside Geelong, Victoria, Canada
Your presentation was well received and very informative.
— Michael Ponce, Rotary of Avalon, California, USA